



2017-05-09 17:35:00


  美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校是一所顶尖的学校,在2009年的《华盛顿月刊》(Washington Monthly)全美大学排名中排在第二位,在2012年的上海交通大学世界大学学术排名中高居第12位,有非常强劲的国际竞争力,也很值得想去美国深造的学生选择。下面是出国留学网为大家整理并翻译的2017年加州大学圣地亚哥分校新生奖学金介绍,仅供参考,希望对你有帮助。

  UCSD Scholarships for Entering Freshmen


  Types of scholarships

  You may qualify for 2 types of scholarships: merit scholarships and restricted scholarships.

  Freshmen merit scholarships: Merit scholarships are based solely on academic achievement as reflected in your UC admissions application.

  Freshmen restricted scholarships: Restricted scholarships are awarded on academic merit plus additional criteria such as demonstrated financial need, field of interest, or leadership. If selected, you may need to provide supporting documentation to verify how you meet the restricted criteria. All personal and medical information remains confidential. Unless marked otherwise, the following are restricted scholarships:





  Regents Scholarship (merit-based)

  The Regents Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship awarded to undergraduate students at the University of California. Regents Scholarships are merit scholarships, selected on the basis of academic excellence, and receive an $8,000 honorarium paid at $2,000 per year in each of their 4 undergraduate years (plus other special privileges).



  Ellen and Roger Revelle Scholarship (merit-based)

  Awarded to: Entering freshmen based on academic merit.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $10,000, paid at up to $2,500 per year.

  Ellen和 Roger Revelle 奖学金


  金额:10,000美元,期限为四年,每年最多颁发2,500 美元。

  UCSD Athletic Scholarship

  Awarded to: UCSD intercollegiate student-athletes who meet required academic criteria.

  Award: Variable.




  James Avery Scholarship

  Awarded to: Undergraduate African-American students majoring in the performing arts.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $4,000, paid at up to $1,000 per year.




  Black Alumni Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering African-American students based on academic merit.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $4,000, paid at up to $1,000 per year.



  金额:4,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过1,000 美元。

  Clayton H. Brace Scholarship

  Awarded to: An entering freshman with an interest in communications.

  Award: A 1-year award up to $1,000.

  Clayton H. Brace 奖学金



  Chancellor's Associates Scholarship: The Preuss School UCSD, Lincoln High School, Gompers Prepatory Academy

  Awarded to: The Class of 2015 graduates of The Preuss School UCSD, Gompers Preparatory Academy, and Lincoln High School (UCSD CREATE Partnership High Schools) who have been admitted to UCSD as entering freshmen, meet the UC's Blue and Gold Opportunity Program (CA Residents with total family income of $80,000 or less, with financial need).

  Award: A 4-year award up to $40,000, paid at up to $10,000 per year.

  校长协会奖学金:加州大学圣地亚哥分校 Preuss 预科学校、Lincoln高中(创意伙伴高中)、Gompers预备学校

  奖学金对象:2015年从加州大学圣地亚哥分校 Preuss 预科学校、Gompers预备学校和Lincoln高中毕业的已经被加州大学圣地亚哥分校录取的学生。需要参加加州大学的蓝色与金色机会项目(加州居民、家庭总收入不超过80,000 美元、有经济需求)。

  金额:40,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过10,000 美元。

  Chancellor's Associates Scholarship: Registered Members of Federally Recognized Tribes

  Awarded to: Entering freshman students from San Diego & Imperial Counties who are registered (enrolled) members of federally recognized tribes, admitted to UCSD, meet the UC's Blue and Gold Opportunity Program (CA Residents with total family income of $80,000, with financial need).

  Award: A 4-year award up to $40,000, paid at up to $10,000 per year.


  奖学金对象:来自圣地亚哥县或因皮里尔县的新生。需要为得到州认可的部落的注册成员,被加州大学圣地亚哥分校录取,需要参加加州大学的蓝色与金色机会项目(加州居民、家庭总收入不超过80,000 美元、有经济需求)。

  金额:40,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过10,000 美元。

  Chancellor's Associates Scholarship: Reality Changers

  Awarded to: The Class of 2015 who are members of Reality Changers, who participated in UCSD Academic Connections, who have been admitted to UCSD as freshmen, meet the UC's Blue and Gold Opportunity Program (CA Residents with total family income of $80,000 or less, with financial need).

  Award: A 4-year award up to $40,000, paid at up to $10,000 per year.


  奖学金对象:新生。需要为现实改变者的成员、参加加州大学圣地亚哥分校学术联络、被加州大学圣地亚哥分校录取。需要参加加州大学的蓝色与金色机会项目(加州居民、家庭总收入不超过80,000 美元、有经济需求)。

  金额:40,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过10,000 美元。

  CREATE Undergraduate Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering freshmen who've graduated from a San Diego high school participating in the UCSD CREATE program.

  Award: A 1-year award up to $500.




  Herbert and Renita Greenberg Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering freshmen based on academic merit and demonstrated financial need.

  Award: Varies.

  Herbert 和Renita Greenberg 奖学金



  Hispanic Scholarship Council Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering students based on demonstrated academic merit and financial need, with a preference for first-generation college students.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $20,000, paid at up to $5,000 per year.


  金额:20,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过5,000 美元。

  Charmaine and Maurice Kaplan Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering students based on academic merit, demonstrated financial need, and involvement in extracurricular activities.

  Award: Varies up to $5,000 per year.

  Charmaine 和 Maurice Kaplan 奖学金


  金额:不固定,每年不超过5,000 美元。

  Kelly J. Kolozsi Memorial Scholarship

  Awarded to students in the following priority:

  Graduates of Menlo Atherton High School

  Graduates of a high school in the Sequoia Union High School District

  Award: Varies.

  Kelly J. Kolozsi纪念奖学金

  奖学金对象:有限颁发给以下学生:Menlo Atherton 高中毕业生、Sequoia Union 高中区的高中毕业生。


  Lytle Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering freshmen, graduates of UCSD Preuss School, with community service, financial need, are first generation college students, and have demonstrated academic achievement.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $10,000, paid at up to $2,500 per year.

  Lytle 奖学金

  奖学金对象:从加州大学圣地亚哥分校 Preuss 预科学校毕业的新生。要参与社会服务,有经济需求,为第一代大学生,有良好的学术成绩。

  金额:10,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过2,500 美元。

  Claude and Irene McFarland Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering Native American students.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $10,000, paid at up to $2,500 per year.

  Claude 和 Irene McFarland 奖学金


  金额:10,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过2,500 美元。

  Dr. A.R. Moossa Scholarship

  Awarded to: Pre-medical students who plan a career as a physician, have demonstrated financial need, and are full-time students with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $8,000, paid at up to $2,000 per year.

  Dr. A.R. Moossa奖学金


  金额:8,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过2,000 美元。

  Sheila Owens-Collins Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering African-American student pursuing studies in the life sciences.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $4,000, paid at up to $1,000 per year.

  Sheila Owens-Collins 奖学金


  金额:4,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过1,000 美元。

  George Parker Memorial Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering freshmen with financial need who were orphaned for at least 3 years prior to the age of 18, and/or to students who were raised in foster care for at least 3 years immediately prior to the age of 18.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $8,000, paid at up to $2,000 per year. The scholarship is renewable each year, provided students continue full-time undergraduate enrollment at UCSD and remain in good academic standing.

  Other: You must show evidence of financial need and evidence of orphan or foster care status.



  金额:8,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过2,000 英镑。该奖学金每年可以更新,前提是学生继续注册加州大学圣地亚哥分校全日制本科,并保持良好的学术成绩。


  Gerald and Inez Grant Parker Foundation Scholarship

  Awarded to: An outstanding UCSD entering freshman from a San Diego or Imperial County high school who has made valuable contributions through community service.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $3,000.

  Gerald 和 Inez Grant Parker 基金会奖学金



  Mary Pillot Scholarship

  Awarded to: Meritorious graduates of San Jose High Academy in San Jose, California, as nominated by the high school principal.

  Award: A 1-year award up to $600.


  奖学金对象:值得赞赏的 San Jose高中毕业生。由高中校长提名。


  Preuss School Scholarships at UCSD

  Awarded to: Graduates of the Preuss School who've been admitted to UCSD and who have high financial need.

  Award: Varies.


  奖学金对象:从 普罗伊斯学院毕业的已经被加州大学圣地亚哥分校录取并且经济需求的学生。


  Ray and Betty Ramseyer Scholarship

  Awarded to: An entering student with an interest in the social sciences.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $20,000, paid at up to $5,000 per year.

  Ray 和 Betty Ramseyer 奖学金


  金额:20,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过5,000 美元。

  Rose Foundation Scholarship

  Awarded to: Graduates of San Diego County or Imperial County high schools who are historically underrepresented at UC campuses. Students must have demonstrated financial need, be full-time students, and must have at least a 2.5 GPA.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $20,000, paid at up to $5,000 per year.



  金额:20,000美元,四年期限,每年不超过5,000 美元。

  Shimotori Memorial Scholarship

  Awarded to: An entering freshman with academic merit and demonstrated financial need.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $5,000 per year.



  金额:四年期限,每年不超过5,000 美元。

  Student Foundation Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering students based on community service, with a preference for demonstrated financial need.

  Award: A 1-year award up to $2,000.




  Ludwig and Ada Strauss Scholarship

  Awarded to: An academically outstanding entering freshman, with preference given to a student with demonstrated financial need.

  Award: A 1-year award up to $4,000.




  Mary S. and Joseph W. Watson Scholarship

  Awarded to: Entering freshmen with financial need, from San Diego or Imperial County, with preference given to students who:

  Received their K-12 education in San Diego or Imperial County

  Are first-generation college students

  Are not receiving other privately funded UCSD scholarships

  Are majoring in physical sciences or arts and humanities

  Award: A 4-year award up to $8,000, paid at up to $2,000 per year.

  玛丽 S. 和约瑟夫 W. 沃森 奖学金






  金额:8,000美元,期限为四年,每年颁发不超过2,000 美元。

  Allene Huanani Wong Scholarship

  Awarded to: An entering freshman from Hawaii, with a preference for students majoring in science, mathematics, or engineering.

  Award: A 4-year award up to $40,000, paid at up to $10,000 per year.

  Allene Huanani Wong 奖学金


  金额:40,000美元,期限为四年,每年颁发不超过10,000 美元。







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  经济学博士是一个特别高大上的称呼,而美国的经济学博士含金量最高,今天出国留学网小编就和大家一起了解一下留学美国经济学博士需要具备什么样的素质。留美经济学博士申请要求  经济学到了博士是一个纯理论学科,social science,跟数学、物理专业的博士录取是差不多的。换句话说,实习、学生社团经历、工作经验(除非是跟经济学研究相关)、其他学科的学习经历,并没有什么帮助。申请人需要大量时间和精力和招生委员会许多教授有邮件或者面对面的交流(俗称“套磁”)。  套磁的要点如下:  最重要的:许多的数学课和经济学基础课,并且这些课上很高的分数。(总体GPA也重要,但没有这两类课的分数重要)  其次:
2018-08-11 18:46:00
  申请美国的博士研究生相当具有难度,下面出国留学网就给大家整理了关于博士申请的条件以及注意事项以便能够帮助到大家,同时针对博士毕业后的就业也列出了一些就业方向。  一、美国博士申请条件  (一)硬件条件  1、本科学士学位或硕士学位。  2、GPA :一般应该保持在3.2以上是比较理想的,特别是专业GPA成绩。  3、TOEFL或者IELTS:TOEFL至少应该在95分以上,如果能达到100以上是最好。IELTS要保持在7分以上。  4、GRE 或GMAT等美国博士、研究生入学考试:这个是依据学校的要求而不定。  (二)软件条件  1、个人陈述(Personal Statement)  2、
2018-08-11 18:34:00
  美国高中也是留学生的热门选择,很多留学生希望借助这一门槛进入到美国顶尖的大学,那么出国留学网就给您带来一些关于美国高中申请的预备知识。  留学美国高中的机遇和挑战  一、美国高中留学形势将会给准备美国高中留学的学生带来挑战  1、美高低龄化持续加温,美初申请人数增多  在北京、上海、深圳这些一线城市里面从三年级就开始准备,打算让孩子六年级时候读美初的家庭逐渐普遍起来。  一些拿到绿卡或者正在办绿卡的,为的就是让孩子初中就来读美国学校,而且相当一部分家庭是打算让妈妈来陪读的;也有要陪读,但是绿卡还没有下来,家长委托机构办F1陪读的,都无一例外的是想提前让孩子来适应,到时候高中的时候,再申请到
2018-08-11 20:56:00
  心理学是纽约大学的强势专业,其社会心理学专业在社会上有很高的声誉,那么博士申请纽约大学的社会心理学专业有哪些要了解的呢?出国留学网和您一起看看。  先来简单介绍一下纽约大学  纽约大学(New York University)简称“NYU”,是一所位于纽约的世界著名私立综合性研究型大学,成立于1831年。纽约大学由18个学院和研究所组成,已经成为全美国境内规模最大的私立非营利高等教育机构之一,同时也是美国唯一的一所位于纽约心脏地带的私立名校。  纽约大学较为偏重人文及社会科学,研究生院享有极高声誉。属下的帝势艺术学院(Tisch School of the Arts)是全美最佳艺术学院之一
2018-08-11 18:29:00
  美国是教育大国,其各类高校都设置了丰富的奖学金类型,出国留学网小编在今天就给大家带来关于美国大学的基本奖学金类型以及申请要求。  申请美国硕士奖学金有以下几种类型:  1、助学金(FELLOWSHIP)  金额最高、竞争最激烈的非服务性奖学金,意味着全奖。一般情况下如果获得一所学院授予的助学金,便是获得了全奖,即除了免学费杂费、住宿费、保险费、书本费以外,还给获奖学生一定金额作为其个人消费费用  2、奖学金(SCHOLARSHIP)  这是一种荣誉性的奖励,颁发给成绩优异的学生,但金额较少。  3、研究助理金(Research Assistantship)  去美国读硕士奖学金有多少?多针
2018-08-11 20:49:00

